Each one has its advantages and disadvantages . both of them are called the distance indicators 基本上这两种量度星系距离的方法有各自的优缺点,无论如何,它们都是天文学家不可或缺的
We have to use quite a few distance indicators because there is no single one that can measure all the distances . this is the 利用已知而可靠量度近距离天体的量天尺,去校准量度更远距离天体的量天尺,是科学家常用的惯技。
This usually means that we find out the relation using stars near us , then apply the relation to greater distances . in general , we use accurately determined distance indicators for small distance to calibrate distance indicators for greater distances 事实上,科学家首先找一些离我们较近的造父变星,找出它们的光变周期与光度的关系,然后假设这个关系对遥远的同类变星依然适用。